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Exploring the Design and Optimization of Self-adaptive System Environments Based on Learning Experience

Year, volume (issue)
2022, 1(5)
pp. 348-351
Published in
OA Journal of Education Research
Fund Project

Relevant scholars

Relevant institutions

Yue Du

Learning experience, influencing factors, self-adaptive learning systems, sugges-tions for optimisation


At present, with the continuous development of new technologies such as human-computer interaction, multimodal data collection, big data and knowledge mapping in online education, intelligent technologies are cross-fertilising with various fields such as learning psychology and cognitive recognition, rapidly driving the vertical development of self-adaptive learning, while self-adaptive learning systems have emerged to meet the personalised learning needs of students. It breaks the boundaries of learning time and space and provides learners with a diverse and free learning environment. Over the years, a great deal of research has been done on this subject, from practical theory to system implementation. Most of these studies have analysed self-adaptive learning systems at a macro or technical practical level, but less at a micro and learner experience level, and few have analysed self-adaptive learning systems from the perspective of the learning experience. Therefore, it is increasingly relevant to investigate the factors influencing students learning experience in self-adaptive learning systems. In this paper, we explore the factors influencing students learning experience in self-adaptive learning systems, and make recommendations for optimising students experience, taking into account previous research on students learning experience in intelligent environments and self-adaptive learning systems.

Keywords: Learning experience, influencing factors, self-adaptive learning systems, sugges-tions for optimisation

  • Reference
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