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J.D.Salinger’s Answer—Love, Hope After reading The Catcher in the Rye

Year, volume (issue)
2022, 1(4)
pp. 268-272
Published in
OA Journal of Education Research
Fund Project

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Xuan Yu

Holden, Absurdism, hope, love


The Catcher in the Rye is regarded as one of the masterpieces of Beat Generation literature, and has been popular around the world since its publication in 1951. The humanist of the innocent and rebellious young Holden contrasted sharply with the prevalence of consumerism and egotism in American society at that time. Holden has three forms of rebellion in the face of the absurdity of life: escape, confronting and loving, and this process is full of contradictions, hope and despair. J.D. Salinger himself was deeply influenced by Zen Buddhism, and Holden also had the compassion of a universal lover, so his guardians desire was so dedicated. This article mainly expounds the transcendence of the absurd from Holdens absurd world, Holdens multiple rebellions in the face of the absurd world, and Holdens most meaningful way of rebellion, and recreates the warm side of this work more, revealing Salingers hidden answer to the alienated and absurd world in The Catcher in the Rye—love and hope.

Keywords: Holden, Absurdism, hope, love

  • Reference
  • Related literature

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ZHU Juntang. (2020). Despair and Hope—On Camus’s Thoughts of Absurd Aesthetic Thoughts. (Master's thesis, Kashgar Universi-ty).
